Wednesday 7th May, the Curve, (downstairs inside) the Forum at 7pm
Speakers to include:
Richard Howitt (Labour MEP)
Mark Ereira-Guyer (Leader of Suffolk Greens)
Julie Bremner (Norwich Pride)
A national Stand up to UKIP speaker
We are deeply concerned by the rising level of support for UKIP, shown in recent elections and opinion polls. UKIP is a far-right populist party. It is similar to far-right populist parties across Europe — such as Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom (PVV) in the Netherlands and the Tea Party movement in the US.
Like these parties, UKIP stirs up racism and reactionary views. It scapegoats immigrants, blaming them for the economic crisis, unemployment and lack of housing. UKIP has also targeted Muslims, LGBT people and other minority communities. It attacks our multicultural society. It encourages a racist and reactionary current of public opinion that threatens black and Asian people, Jewish people, Eastern Europeans, LGBT people and others. The party is riddled with racists, sexists, homophobes and bigots. Farage says his political hero is Enoch Powell. UKIP claims to be anti-establishment, but Farage is a private school educated, ex-Tory City broker.
We believe people of goodwill must come together to stand up to UKIP and say no to its racism and reactionary ideas — regardless of our differing views on Europe or other political issues. If we do not, there is a danger that UKIP will grow in influence. This will give increasing legitimacy to its racist scapegoating, which in turn will have an impact on mainstream politics. Such a climate of racist and reactionary ideas also creates a fertile breeding ground for fascist organisations, such as the British National Party and the English Defence League.
We call on all those who reject racism, scapegoating and xenophobic nationalism to join us in campaigning against UKIP. Let’s say no to racism and stand up for our multicultural society.
All our speakers will talk about UKIP and how we can best campaign against them. We are also planning local leafleting in the weeks leading up to the elections.
For more info, contact Nick O'Brien on 07717504210