Now taking bookings for places at this brilliant programme of Creative Connections arts and music workshops starting 24th July in Norwich.
These are inclusive sessions and will be taking place at OPEN Live Music and The Norwich Music Hub.
Booking form at:
Creative Connections
Creative Connections is a programme supported by The Big Lottery and EDP Local Papers Fund in partnership with OPEN and the Norwich Music Hub and consists of over 30 inclusive creative workshops in Norwich that are free of charge and open to any young person between the age of 13 and 25.
over 30 inclusive creative workshops in Norwich that are free of charge and open to any young person between the age of 13 and 25.
The Creative Connections programme is intended to link creativity, ideas and expression with community, whether using archive footage in animation, writing songs to challenge issues with your community or interviewing members of society for documentary making – so that we can have a deeper understanding of what community is.
The workshops are free to attend, are held at some of the best venues in town and led by the counties best workshop facilitators. Creative Connections is an inclusive programme and so we welcome all young people, 13 – 25 to apply. We may be able to provide 1:1 support if required (provided by our long term care agency partner, Allied Healthcare) but we also welcome parents and carers to stay and join in (please complete relevant parts of application form). Please find the full schedule below, and below that a detailed summary of what to expect from the workshop plus a bit more about our key workshop staff and venues (including parking, travel and access details).
There are two of the same workshops per day; you are welcome to attend both workshops in which case you will be invited to develop or continue with the work created in the first session. In the 30 minutes between sessions we will provide a space for you to relax where a member of staff will remain on site.
TO APPLY please download an application form here and return to or post to Creative Connections, Musical Keys, Martineau Memorial Hall, 21 Colegate, Norwich, NR3 1BN. If you would like an application posted to you, please call 01603 766690 to request one.

The workshops
Stopframe animation/Claymation: Learn to animate using current stop frame techniques and technology. Using clay, craft materials, video, archive resources or anything you’d like to bring. We’ll also go through exporting and uploading your videos and even get them on YouTube.
Making music videos: Work in a group or as an individual to shoot/animate, edit and export (time permitting) a music video using art and craft, film, archive footage or whatever you like. Please let us know before hand if you have a song or tune you’d like to use.
Filming with greenscreens: We’ll use latest movie techniques to film with green screens, taking you to wherever you want to go. You’ll be shown how to use chromakeying and taken through the steps to use green screens effectively – become a weather person, an astronaut or a deep sea dive
Introduction to Documentary making: Learn how to make an interesting documentary, taking in interview techniques, camerawork and picking a subject
Song and lyric writing: Pick a genre, pick a theme, choose some instruments/technology and make music. We’ll also work on developing lyrics and using our voice.
Music technology and production: We’ll use iMacs and MacBook Pros with the latest music technology, studio microphones, various hardware (including drum machines and samplers) to make music.
Video editing: Learn from the professionals how to edit video, whether for documentaries, music videos or feature films. We’ll go through the importance of editing as well as technical tips and tricks.
Digital Art: Using projectors, live video, collage, animation, shadow puppetry, OHP painting, light and more we’ll create expressive art and explore extended techniques. Could be messy but will certainly be fun.
Sound for Film: Learn how to use music and sound effectively with moving image. We’ll use samplers and effects to create a sound score for a short video as well making foley sound.
Cajon for beginners: The cajon (a Peruvian percussion instrument made up of a large, six sided drum) is becoming a very popular instrument as it is powerful, adaptable and easy to learn. Each participant will have a cajon as you’ll learn basic rhythms and do some group jamming.
World Rhythms: Using a selection of unusual percussion we will explore the different sounds and rhythms from around the world and create a percussion ensemble.
Making music with iPads: Each participant will be given an iPad and introduced to a selection of music making apps. With apps such as Garageband, Thumbjam and Audiobus we are able to write, record, improvise and share music, all from the interface of the iPad.
Rock School: Rock School is a two day intensive workshop where you will get the opportunity to develop your song writing and performance skills, receive instrument tuition and get to write and play music with your bandmates with the help of professional musicians.