Monday, 16 June 2014

Trust backs national scheme to tackle racism

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) has made its pledge to the End Racism This Generation campaign run by the Runnymede Trust.

The Trust has also launched a new initiative to 'Challenge, Educate and Support' when instances of workplace discrimination occur.

Chair Gary Page and board members have been at the forefront of the project, recognising their role as key leaders and role models. The pledge the Trust has made to End Racism This Generation is:

The wellbeing of our staff is of critical importance to how well we perform as a Trust. At NSFT we are committed to create an inclusive environment where staff feel safe, respected and look forward to coming to work. Therefore we pledge to promote equality of opportunity and tackle any form of discrimination through Challenging the issue, Educating people and Supporting all our staff.
In 2012, the Trust launched its own anti-racism campaign called 'Spot it, Report it and Stop it', which succeeded in encouraging staff to come forward to report when they had been racially abused.

Ravi Seenan, Equality and Engagement Manager at NSFT, said: 

We understand how upsetting and humiliating it can be for people to be treated unfairly and we are determined to improve on our practises and procedures to ensure all colleagues are treated equally and given the same opportunities. We are determined to tackle the issue of racism by challenging inappropriate behaviours, educating people, and supporting each other.
Best practice guidance called 'Challenge, Educate and Support' has been issued to staff to make sure that everyone is aware of discrimination and how to tackle it.

Our Pledges

We pledge to end Racism in Norfolk by building a strong community-led Hate Free Norfolk Network, which will promote awareness, develop better working between agencies and support victims of racist hate crime.

- See more at:

We pledge to spread the word about 'end-racism' via our social media networks and to donate our anti-harassment app as free download to end-racism. Apple link here (we'll add Android when it's available this summer) - See more at:

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