Tuesday 12 November 2013

No respect from the EDL

EDL supporter convicted of defacing war memorial
From EDL News by Gary Hasting

An EDL supporter has been convicted of defacing the Bomber Command war memorial in central London at Westminster Magistrates court.

Daniel Smith, 21, from Grecian Street North, Salford, Lancashire, was told by the judge that he will face a minimum suspended jail sentence and will return before the courts on Thursday for sentencing.

Judge Purdy told Smith "I make this clear that because of the criminal damage you chose to do back in June - that has to be met by a term of imprisonment, though it may be that that can be suspended - so the minimum penalty is a term of suspended imprisonment,"

Smith, who has 44 previous convictions, committed the act on the 5th June and wrote 'EDL', 'Lee Rigby's killers must hang' and 'fuck the police' 

Smith's defence council claimed that Smith did not know it was a war memorial.


Meanwhile in Norwich many paid their respects to our fallen, our veterans and our serving members of the Armed Forces on Remembrance Sunday.

The Quakers remembered all war victims, but then some self-promoters of the local EDL threatened the sobriety of the proceedings by clambering onto the steps of the War Memorial to posture and pose, making inexplicable and inappropriate V signs: 

That is until a dignified ex-serviceman told the unwelcome interlopers - politely and quietly - to get lost.


  1. In your "useful links" section you go with the blog "Stand up to hate".....

    Small world, as "Gary Hasting", AKA "GoldenTony111" on YouTube, used to run "Stand up to hate" with a Canadian creature called dierassistische..

    Shhh!!....The EDL don't know this....

    dierassistische had to scurry away from YouTube because of his propensity for constantly giving out peoples names and addresses, but when his cover was finally blown he had to flee the net in a blind panic....And GoldenTony111 was/is an ardent UAF Comrade......

    How comes everything that you publish has it's UAF connotations?

  2. "Stand up to hate" has done good work exposing racism and homophobia in the past, and that is why I describe it as a "useful link".
    I have no idea about the rest of your rant. I expect everything is connected to the UAF in a Kevin Bacon way, but only you seem to worry about that.
