Thursday 17 December 2009

BNP 'under accounts' itself

From Norfolk Unity:

Auditors say (late) BNP accounts “do not give fair and true view” of racist party’s finances

The BNP’s accounts have finally been submitted to the Electoral Commission – and no wonder they were late. Even the BNP’s own auditors weren’t impressed.

Attention is drawn to the comments made in the “Chairman’s Report” regarding the task of maintaining central office accounts, and the resulting fact that it has not been possible for the Party to submit an adequate set of records to us.

Accordingly in our opinion the financial statements do not:

1 Give a true and fair view of the state of the party’s affairs at 31st December 2008.

2 Give a true and fair view of the results for the year then ended.

In our opinion the financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out on pages 18 and 19.

In our opinion it cannot be said the accounts comply with the requirements of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, as adequate records have not been made available.

The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, and this is possible because of the possibility of support from the regions.

Registered Auditors Chartered Accountants

Silver & Co 25 Park Road Cannock Staffs WS11 1JN

4th December 2009

The party’s deficit grew by £85,591 from 2007 to £168,233, and could only be paid by raiding funds raised by local branches.

The accounts also show substantial rises in the BNP’s wage bill, and lists increased payments to unnamed “consultants”.

And naturally there’s no mention anywhere of monies passed on (if they are at all!) from the party’s fundraising Trafalgar Club.

Seems to us that BNP members are still being royally fleeced!

Download the financial farago here

More later…

Atreus posting earlier today in NU articles

Sometimes I feel almost sorry for the ordinary members of the BNP.

They are pitilessly abused by a cynical and self-serving leadership that cannot even come up with accounting clever enough to disguise their misdoings.

You can read more of the BNP's leadership money-making scams here, here and here.

In this report, an ex-member of the BNP leadership claims:

The BNP at grassroots level has some very good and honest people but I think at the top of the party it's very corrupt.

It seems to be more to do with about trying to make money than about trying to serve local communities.

The ordinary supporter of the BNP is beginning to cut a pathetic figure. How long will it take before the BNP membership begins to realise how it is being exploited?

As Antifascist of Lancaster Unity writes:
And while we're on the subject of money, many of you may remember Nick Griffin's promise to donate 10% of his Euro Parliament earnings to the party. As this is illegal, Griffin was forced (though I doubt if he was forced against his will) to rescind his offer and as an alternative has now made a contribution to what the BNP calls the English Fair Fund - a BNP-run fake fund designed to bolster little projects in which the BNP are already involved or from which donation the party can gain some propaganda return. This week saw the FIRST donation from Nick Griffin towards this fund and after six months in the job and taking around £45,000 off the taxpayer for himself,all he could muster up was a measly and Ebenezer Scrooge-like £150. The tight bastard.

1 comment:

  1. More at‘inadequate’-accounts.
